Sunday, March 02, 2008

Spring is in the air...

at least for a couple of days. Today we spied the first yellow crocus in our front yard, the dandelions are beginning to make their grand golden entrance, and the little boys are once again enjoying the muddy backyard. I've been getting last year's outgrown clothes ready for the consignment sales, and pretty soon it will time to mow and mulch. I decided it was time for a good blog spring cleaning too- no more snow!

March is a good month: the February Frenzy which occurs on an annual basis in our home is over, we can see the light at the end of the schoolwork tunnel, and yard sales are just around the corner! March is a good month for another reason too, but that's a post for tomorrow...


janjanmom said...

Don't tease me...I want to hear about March ASAP!!

I covet your consignment sale preparedness!!

Stephanie said...

The March thing has me intrigued as well . . . don't keep us in suspense too long!