Sunday, June 01, 2008


I love June. Tonight was the first night of VBS at the church at the end of our street, and as I walked over to get the 3 little boys at 9PM, the sky was still just barely light. Copper the Dog had apparently noticed large numbers of children at play during the evening and joined the kickball team during Game Time. When I arrived, she was still sitting outside the church doors waiting for them to finish, to the boys' great delight. John has taught her to "sit" and "shake" and she's killed two moles, so I believe she's managed to make some points with The Dad.

In other summer news:
  • We've been to a perfect night at the drive-in theater,
  • enjoyed a mulberry pie with the 4 cups of berries the kids picked off our trees and managed to not eat,
  • Made freezer jam, pie and lots of shortcake topping with the 6 gallons of strawberries the kids picked in our neighbor's strawberry patches,
  • I've been to my very first quilting class and, after I made it over the learning curve, actually liked it,
  • My mom and I have been working on our various photo projects and are making plans for the family photo cookbook project,
  • John Mark caught a 3 1/2 lb large-mouth Bass on one of his and Daddy D's fishing adventures,
  • John made the little car run again (gas for the big vans was killing us- a couple of weeks ago, it was $500 in one week!)
  • Turnip greens are almost ready in the garden and the corn is coming up,
  • John opened the pool in honor of the first day of June but does not encourage swimming yet, as the water is freezing,
  • All kids finished their math for the year (!!!!)
  • and I made a good dent in my co-op lessons for next fall
This week, John and I leave on our trip to Washington and the two teens head off to camp in South Carolina while the little boys stay with GranMartha and Daddy D. I love June!


Sara said...

You are amazing! Have a great trip!

janjanmom said...

I want your June-sounds delightful-especially the trip part!!

Stephanie said...

You know, soon it will be JULY and you'll HAVE to post again! :o)