Monday, April 02, 2007

Busy Days

Busy Days... sounds like one of my children's readers. In fact, I think it is one of my children's readers...
But, unfortunately, these busy days have not been good blog fodder. I've been doing the planning for next year's co-op (coming along well!); spending an inordinate amount of time selling old curricula and shopping for next year's curricula (yesterday I hit the jackpot and purchased two levels of a $190 curriculum for $55!); organizing Stanford testing for the co-op; and fighting with my washing machine, which is still broken. I was also several weeks behind on grading papers for co-op, which is a very bad thing with high-schoolers. If they would only answer everything right, grading would be so easy, and I would even give them the benefit of the doubt and give them credit where credit might not actually be due... but alas, they do not take advantage of this good will. So I wade through paragraphs of half-true history, attempting to set the record of the world straight again.

The good news is that John is home this week! He told his boss to take this job and... ok, not really. He just knew he had to come home and start fixing things before the entire house fell apart on him. This weekend, he mowed the lawn, which had reverted back to its natural state of being, full of the beautiful blooming weeds which are every asthmatics nightmare, and he trained John Mark to use the weedeater and the riding lawn mower so he can take over from here on out. Today, a gorgeous spring day, John tilled the garden, and tomorrow he has promised to fix my washing machine.

This afternoon, we had our next-to-last 4-H meeting, and tonight, John and The Boys are going to the Boy Scout/Cub Scout meeting, leaving me, Sister and 'Lil Scout Wannabe home alone. Finally, we are on the home stretch for this school year: the end is near! I have good feelings about all these things. Happy, happy springtime!

1 comment:

janjanmom said...

You're so cool! I am glad you are my friend.

Thanks for all your work on co-op. ( :