Thursday, March 08, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #5

Thirteen Random Things In My Life That I've Been Too Busy To Blog About

1. My husband's birthday was March 3. He's 39, and this fascinating fact has been the subject of many conversations among our children.

2. My trip with the Children's Chorus to the State Music Educators Convention. I'll have to blog about that sometime...

3. Engineering Day at the local college. John Mark won 3rd place in the Edible Car competition and Philip won 3rd place in the Aluminum Foil Boat Competition. John Mark spent an entire school day building a bridge for the Bridge Competition, but since his mother does not count bridge design as one of her talents and his father was in Texas, he ended up not entering his bridge. (After viewing the other entries, we realize he should have entered his bridge!)

4. The Children's Clothing Consignment Sale. I actually signed up to work this year, hoping that if I shop early, I'll have better luck finding some modest clothing for my growing girl. We did find some good deals; I'll find out after I work my "shift" if the trade-off was worth it.

5. The Crocuses have bloomed and the Hyacinths are coming up, giving me the hope I need to persevere through 4 more weeks of AWANA, 7 more weeks of co-op, 9 more weeks of chorus, and 10 more weeks of school.

6. John in Texas. Again. And again. And again. This will be going on for a while. The kids made him a card before he left last Monday morning. On it, Becca begged, "Remember Me!"

7. The big kids went to Winterfest in Gatlinburg and had a wonderful time in the snow. The rest of us tried out the new IHOP for breakfast that same snowy Saturday morning. Mmmm!

8. John sick. Very sick. Rebecca sick. Nathanael sick. Ben sick. Philip sick. John Mark sick. Rebecca sick. Nathanael sick. John sick.... I am very glad that everyone is well again!

9. Church Game Night: lots of fun too! Rebecca invited her friend Lauren, so my friend Marcia (Lauren's mom) showed up unexpectedly and was my partner since John was sick.

10. I was "in charge" of the 4-H Fundraiser... it did not go well. Sigh. Not enough time to plan, and the people I needed were out of the office for days. What a mess!

11. I finished two ENORMOUS books: The Winds of War and War and Remembrance. Must-reads for anyone who enjoys WWII history! I have promised myself to catch up on laundry before starting any new books. It's not going well, especially since my front-loading computerized washing machine keeps stopping mid-cycle with an error signal, meaning a service call. Sigh again.

12. Something on the piano broke, right in the middle of practicing for the spring recital. Piano Guy coming on Monday to fix it (I hope!)

13. Very upset with our bank, who has merged with another bank and is requiring us to change account numbers. This creates all kind of hassles, since we have lots of stuff tied to our checking account. All we got for the trouble was a free box of very ugly new checks. I got mad every time I looked at them, until I actually used one and found out that at least they sent ones with carbons. I like carbons.

Ok, so now you see why I haven't been blogging very much... I spared you a month of this :-) But spring is on the way, and you just can't stay in doldrums when this sight greets you in the most surprising places:


Karen said...

You are much busier than I am! But a church game night sounds fun, as does children's chorus. Will have to try the books you recommended. I remember when they were made into miniseries for TV, but don't think I ever watched them. But first I will have to read the Karen Kingsbury series I have on its way here from Library and Educational Services. I'm getting the whole set of the Firstborn series for $35! Can't get 'em that cheap at B&N.

summer said...

i feel like i know exactly where you are coming from with planning and attending the women's retreat, teaching middle school on sundays, gathering, shopping for,and preparing preschool sunday school supplies each week, getting all our stuff, "baby stuff" included ready for the consignment sale, having small group, planning events for texas public school week for the pta at micah's school and doing damage control there,enjoying our texas spring weather before it becomes smoldering, trying to spend as much time with lesli as possible....sorry, you didn't need to read all of that, but thanks for reading and posting