Monday, April 28, 2008

My Wagon Is Dragging

and I'm moving in slow-mo this morning. It was a tiring weekend. The boys are draggin' too, because I've heard very little from them this morning. But while we're on a Good Thing kick:

  • It's a beautiful sunny day outside! If it has to be a Monday, it might as well a beautiful one, right?
  • John made the boys clean the upstairs yesterday (including the little boys' room!) so we have a fresh start to the week
  • Becca comes home tonight. She's been on a trip to Louisiana for the last several days with her best friend's family. I'm sure she will be wiped too, but she promised me that the two of them would do their schoolwork on the trip. We'll see.

I have to help the little boys finish up their co-op this morning, do my grading for co-op report cards, and this afternoon, I'll go with my mom to take the moving truck back. Happy Monday, ya'll.

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